Sign documents on your terms
Why is it worth using an electronic signature?
You can quickly sign many documents, send them and archive them digitally
You avoid paper consumption and take care of our planet
You sign with the same legal force, as if you signed it with your own hand

Do you like having the freedom to make decisions?
Do you like having the freedom also to decide about your daily schedule? Do you value your time, care about planet and want to be more eco-friendly? Under the law, a document with an electronic signature is as valid as a handwritten one. By choosing mSzafir, you sign documents wherever you want, whenever you want and on any device. No acrobatics :)
What will you use the Szafir and mSzafir qualified electronic signature for?
Submitting declarations to the Social Insurance Institution
Sending financial statements to the National Court Register
Participation in public tenders
Document circulation
Finalising and signing contracts and archiving documents
Signing medical documentation
E-invoices and quotations
Issuance of company documents
The National e-Invoicing System (KSeF) enables the issuance and sharing of structured invoices.
What does KIR's e-signature guarantee?
We are an entity entered into the Register of Trust Service Providers kept by the Ministry of Digital Affairs.

Undeniable proof of identity
Documents with a qualified electronic signature, verified by means of a qualified certificate, in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation, are equivalent to a handwritten signature.

Integrity of data transmitted electronically
The signed document is protected from any modifications.

Integrity and authenticity of data origin
Guaranteed by a qualified electronic seal.

Time stamping
Confirmation of the existence of a document at a given time, by giving it a so-called certain date.

Signature uniqueness
Each electronic signature for each document is different and closely related to the document, for which it was created.

Find out what signature is right for you
Are you a traditionalist and can't imagine signing without a card and a reader? Configure any set and enjoy your favourite signature.
Or maybe you value mobility and minimalism? Choose mSzafir – in a one-time version for signing a single document or with a long validity period, if you sign many documents on a daily basis.
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The largest electronic signature sales network
Collect your e-signature at any KIR branch or one of over 740 cooperative banks across Poland.
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