E-signature helps HR departments sign documents in bulk

Amendments to the Labour Code. What do HR departments need to do to speed up the process?
The amendment to the Labour Code, which comes into force from tomorrow, is the result of several years of negotiations between employers and union representatives and the public administration. In fact, discussions on this topic have been taking place since the very beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in Poland, which has forced many employers to switch to remote or hybrid working. According to a study by Pracuj.pl, one in four Poles already works remotely or in a hybrid system. Regulatory changes will only strengthen this trend. The need to grant remote working to certain groups of employees is a major challenge, especially for companies that have so far resisted that solution and do not have procedures in place, such as digital workflows. On the other hand, it is an opportunity for them to streamline processes that can increase their competitiveness and reduce costs.
Qualified electronic signature for signing HR documentation
A tool that will facilitate the remote signing of HR documentation is the qualified electronic signature. Applied electronically under a document, it has the same legal force as a paper signature. Using e-signatures is much more convenient, cheaper and faster than traditional workflows, especially in a hybrid or remote system when traditional mail is the alternative. At the same time, it is a completely secure solution, ensuring data integrity and non-repudiation.
The Szafir application provided by KIR allows several hundred or even several thousand documents to be signed simultaneously. And if the documents are the same, the signature symbol can be set in the same place on them. This allows large volumes of documents to be signed quickly and conveniently.
Instructions on how to do this can be found here
For employees who work remotely, a one-time signature that allows them to sign a single document and is available online will be ideal. All you need to do is confirm your identity via online banking and sign the document with a few clicks.
For the modern company that prioritises savings and respects the environment, a tailor-made solution is the mSzafir e-signature integrated with company systems. It is ideal for HR departments - for recruitment, personal data processing consents or annexes to contracts. But also in relations with business partners and customers - employees and business partners sign documents directly from the company platform, without installing additional software. A study commissioned by KIR and ZBP [Polish Banks Association] shows that 60 per cent of Poles already want to use an electronic signature. They are also appreciated by senior managers - already 82 per cent of them would like to implement an e-signature in their company.